Elizabeth H.

What made you decide to start my 1:1 coaching program?
I need someone to be able to help me fix my metabolism. I was very much aware it had been damaged after years of bodybuilding diets and then my own trial and error non-sustainable eating habits. My family history also has issues with metabolism and the thyroid and Ashley popped into my mind immediately as I had friends who had been helped by her.
What is one specific feature you like most about my 1:1 coaching program?
Having someone there to help me through the first little push of things. It is often that those of use in healthcare/personal training forget to allow ourselves the same "it takes time" attitude we afford our clients. Having someone else remind me that my body HAS been put under too much stress in the past and won’t necessarily just jump into fat loss until it has healed was amazing.
What are some of the successes you’ve had since you started working with me?
Any accomplishments you’ve made can be listed(weight loss, inches lost, nutritional improvements, lifestyle habits, hormonal balance, a healthier relationship with food, etc.): I have made so much progress in changing my lifestyle to be sustainable. I also have a LOT more energy and mental clarity which has been amazing. Yes the fat loss, inches lost, and seeing my body change has been great but the mental clarity and energy have been the biggest added bonus!
Would you recommend this program to someone else?
Absolutely! We often think "if only someone could specialize in my body exactly to help me out" and Ashley does that! She takes the time to understand you, your goals, and your body and tweaks constantly to keep up with those.
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