Catherine S.

My name is Catherine S., I am a 36-year-old stay-at-home mom of 3 under four years of age, and youngest is five months old. I have been at home w the kids for three years and wouldn’t change it for the world. I am a personal trainer, health coach, and counselor. I could write myself workout plans, but I just didn’t have the brain capacity to do it with so much going on at home.I used to go to the gym, but with covid, I have stopped. I needed to have a routine and hated workout videos. I would qualify myself as an athlete. My mindset has changed and shifted in terms of what I will do physically post having kids. My mind kept wanting me to go back to myself pre-kids, but that wasn’t sustainable, and I wasn’t happy then. In the past, I’ve been able to lift heavy, eat super clean, and wasn’t pleased.Once I had kids, things changed. I knew I needed a program that would give me challenges, and one that was also led by a mom, someone who gets me.Ashley is just that, someone who understands and supports and empowers women! I loved her website and was always watching, and in September, I decided to join! I am so pleased because I can go at my pace and we’re always encouraged!
What has been the biggest game-changer for you?
The biggest game-changer has been routine and the workout plans. I have never missed a day, even though it’s hard some days, and I have kids jumping on me while I try to do my squats.I have gained muscle back after gaining 50 lbs per pregnancy for each of my pregnancies. I have lost size and have felt stronger.
This program has helped me feel accomplished again. I have lost 17 lbs in 3 -4 months.
My diet has changed too, and I’m eating healthy and balanced, but the workouts have made me feel like me again and given me mental and physical strength!
Would you recommend this program to someone else?
I would wholeheartedly recommend this program to anyone. The accountability is there, the workouts are fantastic for any level, and Ashley is so professional and so real!
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