48: The Rebuild Phase Part Two


In this episode of Cheers to Your Success! Ashley discusses the second phase of transformation, the Rebuild phase, in detail. If you listened to episode 46, you might be ready to take action on your own, so this episode will give you specific actions to help you dial in your nutrition, workouts, and mindset. A solid foundation will help you thrive through the fat-loss phase, and working through the Rebuild phase cannot be skipped if you're serious about reaching and maintaining your long-term results.

If you haven't listened to episodes 46 and 47, please go back and listen to that episode before starting part two of the three-part mini-series.  


  • What is the Rebuild phase
  • Why you can't skip this phase
  • What actions do you need to take to work through the Rebuild phase




  • Register HERE for my FREE Back To School Challenge starting Monday, September 19th! If you're ready to get back on track since summer is coming to an end, develop a better health routine, and lose stubborn pounds & inches, you are a GREAT fit for my 5-day health and fitness challenge. If you want to maximize your results even more, grab one of the limited exclusive VIP Upgrades(only a $30 investment for you, normally a week of coaching is $297), so you can have a personal Metabolic Fix coach as your tutor throughout the challenge! Click HERE to get your spot before the 10 spots are all gone(the VIP upgrade is optional, but I highly recommend it if you want to ensure you get some results throughout the week and build a blueprint to keep making progress after the challenge ends).
  • Are you ready to start the the Metabolic Fix Method™today? If you're sick and tired of waiting until later or pushing your health on the back burner, NOW is your opportunity to apply for my most premium and successful 1:1 virtual coaching program. We will work you through each phase: Repair, Rebuild, and the Results phase. We will support you from start to finish and address any hormonal, metabolic, or mindset barriers. If you're interested in this program, apply HERE, and you can set up a FREE discovery call, so we can discuss your goals and determine together if this program is the right fit for you!
  •  Are you wondering if you're eating enough for your goals? If you're not sure how much you should be eating for sustainable  fat loss, use my FREE weight loss calculator to see how many calories you should be eating for sustainable results. Click this link to access my free Weight Loss Calculator!